Important Safety Information
We would like to refresh our Clients and families on some of our operating standards. These are about safety for everyone.
From our facilities at Trafalgar Street Manly, we sail specially designed two person Access 303 dinghies and our yacht "Faith", so that people with disability can enjoy the sport of sailing. We use specially engineered cranes and slings to enable us winch people (who need more assistance) into our dinghies.
Our dinghies carry an international certification maximum weight limit of 160kgs (up to two persons). Our cranes are rated to a maximum loading limit of 120kgs per person. For legal reasons and for the wellbeing of you, our clients and our volunteers, we must follow these limits. It is necessary for Sailability to be advised if a client's weight exceeds 100kg
If your client does have a weight issue, please discuss with us at the time of registration so we can determine the best sailing experience for them.
We thank you for your understanding.