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Sailability clubs operate in some 23 countries, including in Australia.


Sailability Bayside was incorporated in 2003, as one of the earliest clubs in Queensland, to provide sailing for people with disability.


We are one of 14 clubs affiliated with  Sailability Queensland.


As an all-volunteer association, we rely on the generosity of our clients, our sponsors and from private support and other, including government grants.


We do not pay wages nor commissions.


A Typical Day at Salability Video :









We sail from the Darling Point Sailing Squadron based at
16-22 Trafalgar St Manly, with a fleet of 16 specially designed Hansa 303 dinghies, our yacht   'Faith' which is a 7.4m Payne day sailor and a dedicated support boat.


Sailing is during state school terms from 9 am Mondays and Thursdays.


Our 2025 Schedule will be by appointment only.


Term 1    Commences       Thursday 30th January and Monday 3rd February 2025.  



Please note:    Sailing fee is $10 per participant per sailing day


There are no set Dinghy Sailing Times - We start sailing at 9am and the latest registration time is 12 midday.   Your sailing time will be set when you arrive at Salability. (Clients whose weight exceeds 100kg cannot sail in a Dinghy)


Faith Sailing times:   9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12.30pm   Monday and Thursday

                                      (Clients in wheelchairs cannot sail on Faith)


To check that sailing has not been cancelled due to unfavorable weather please call   0401 994 271 after 7.00 am on the day of sailing.


To make a booking please email our 'Registrar' at advising of:


Client name, Phone and Email Contact details

Care Centre contact details

What Vessel you are booking - Dinghy or Faith  

Preferred sailing day and time if you are booking Faith.  

If booking Faith, Support Worker Details are required.


Call 0432 152 310 between 9.00am and 5.00pm Monday to Friday to cancel or change a booking.  Cancellations are essential if you cannot attend due to the long waiting list of clients.


As a duty of care, support workers (or family) must always stay on site for the welfare of their clients/family member.


Please remember  Sailability is run by Volunteers who give their time freely to help people living with disability to have an enjoyable sailing experience.   Please be respectful when dealing with these Volunteers.







Sailability Bayside is ;


       Established in June 2003


  • an incorporated association under Queensland law                                                                            ACN 775 3383 4537

  • endorsed as a deductible gift recipient (DGR) for  income tax purposes

  • Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible and may be made in person on  sailing day by cash or Card or please call us for our Bank details. 

  • A registered charity with the ACNC

  • Sailability Bayside is covered for Public Liability through Sailability Queensland, our insurance representative.

ACNC Registered Charity Tick.JPG
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